Despite the fact that the problem of prostate inflammation is recognized as the most serious for the male population, medications and medications for the treatment of chronic prostatitis make it possible to quickly eliminate this problem. It is worth understanding the types of medicines in more detail.
Types of medications for chronic prostatitis
Pharmacies offer the following range of medicines:
- Oral agents.This includes tablets and capsules. They differ from each other only in that the latter have a gelatin shell, inside which the medicine is contained in powder form, and the tablets are characterized by a dense consistency. Both medications are taken before, during or after meals. Some medications need to be taken with water.
- Injections or injectable solutions.Medications used for chronic prostatitis are administered intramuscularly and intravenously. This guarantees immediate product action.
- Candles.They are taken during a 5-10 day treatment and also have a large number of positive effects. These include analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Suppositories are only administered with the patient lying on their side, in this position it is necessary to lie down for another 30 minutes after inserting the suppository. During this time, all substances have time to be absorbed and assimilated.
- Instillations.This method of treatment is rarely used and, as a rule, only if the patient is hospitalized. The medicine is injected directly into the urethra through a catheter and therefore this procedure is performed only by experienced medical personnel.
- Microclysters.Doctors consider the presented remedy not to be a complete medicine for treatment, but a method of prevention. Microclysters contain herbal decoctions that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
These medicines for chronic prostatitis are considered the main ones among medicines.
In addition, there is another classification of medicines:
- Etiotropic.This category of medicines fights infection, considered the main cause of the disease.
- Pathogenetic.Reduce congestion in the gland and suppress inflammation.
- Symptomatic.They are used exclusively to combat discomfort during illness.
Muscle relaxants
Designed to alleviate increased muscle tone. It is impossible to completely cure prostatitis with their help, as they are used exclusively as an additional remedy.
In therapy, medications are prescribed to improve blood microcirculation in the prostate.
Alpha blockers
Alpha blockers are used if a man experiences discomfort when urinating. This problem is common in situations where a young man suffers from prostatitis; You often feel the urge to urinate but cannot relieve yourself. Only in this case are alpha-blockers prescribed.
These medicines have a large number of good reviews and are often recommended for use by doctors.
It is believed that for a lasting result it is necessary to use these medications for at least 6 to 12 months. Discontinuation of therapy immediately after symptoms disappear increases the risk of exacerbations.
Antibiotics are aimed at eliminating the cause of prostatitis, but their choice must be made responsibly. Not all antibiotics can quickly and completely eliminate the cause of the disease.
There are the following groups of antibiotics:
- Cephalosporins.They are used for parenteral action and have a wide range of applications.
- Macrolides.They differ in that they are non-toxic and do not affect the intestinal microflora. Penetrates well into prostate tissue. They are reserve antibiotics and are therefore used exclusively if other groups of medicines do not work.
- Penicillins.They are distinguished by their fairly low cost, convenient way of administration and high efficiency. As a rule, they are used for intolerance to fluoroquinolones or in the presence of chronic diseases of multiple organs.
- Fluoroquinolones.They have proven effectiveness and are well absorbed by prostate tissue.
- Tetracyclines.They have negative properties, which include a negative effect on the digestive tract.
Anti-inflammatory medications
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that progresses if left untreated. If you relieve the inflammation, you can help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
It is important to remember that the use of each medication and its dosage must be adjusted by the doctor according to the patient's condition and symptoms.
Steroid medications are only used if nonsteroidal treatment does not help.
It is important to note that steroid medications significantly suppress the immune system and therefore cannot be prescribed if the patient has HIV or another immunodeficiency.
Nonsteroidal medications have few side effects and are highly effective.
It is important to understand that they are recommended to be taken exclusively during the acute period of the disease, within a period of 5 to 7 days at most.
Caution should be exercised if the patient presents with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
Local remedies
Local remedies are a category of medications used especially frequently for prostate dysfunction. In the acute form of prostatitis, ointments and suppositories are most often used, and in the chronic form of the disease, the following substances are prescribed:
- A medicine based on prostate extract improves urine excretion, and also has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.
- Morpholinium-methyl-triazolylthioacetate. Improves regeneration processes in the prostate.
- Propolis. Strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation. It is a natural beekeeping product.
- Bituminous ammonium sulfonate. It has anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effects.
- Propolis-based candles, however, also contain other additives: wax, honey and royal jelly.
- Sea buckthorn oil. You need to be careful with this, as in some cases the product can cause an unpleasant reaction in the form of burning in the rectum. It has an increased anti-inflammatory effect.
- In the category of ointments, there is a camphor-based product, which is prescribed for the outflow of urine and secretions. It is administered rectally using an applicator.
- We must not forget about suppositories, which are prescribed not only for the chronic course of the disease, but also after surgery.
Principles of adequate drug treatment
First of all, it is best to entrust your health to a doctor who will help you plan your treatment. This does not necessarily mean that therapy will be expensive; on the contrary, properly selected cheap medicines will be no less effective than expensive ones.
The principles of appropriate treatment are as follows:
- First, tests are carried out, during which it is necessary to find out what type of microflora causes prostatitis.
- A study is being carried out on sensitivity to certain groups of medications. A properly selected medication already represents half of the success of the treatment.
- For further treatment, not only the most effective, but also the safest remedy is selected.
- Based on the examinations, as well as the characteristics of the patient's body, the treatment method and its dosage are selected. It is strictly not recommended to prescribe medication on your own, especially when it comes to suppositories.
- Once the course has been prescribed, it must begin on the same day. The course is selected according to the patient's well-being and must be followed strictly. Deviations from the medication regimen are prohibited because they can slow down progress or even cause a reverse process.
- During treatment, you should also not forget that you must undergo examinations and tests in a timely manner. This is only necessary so that you can observe the dynamics of the disease and adjust your medication intake.

We must not forget that the fastest results can only be achieved if a complex treatment is used. The course must also include massages or special baths.
It is important to note that performing massage on your own, using video tutorials or written manuals, is categorically not recommended, as in most cases this only worsens the patient's condition. Massages must be performed by specialists.
The regimen and duration of treatment will depend exclusively on the organism of each patient, however, in any case, it is recommended to start treatment as soon as possible, before the disease begins to progress actively.
During the treatment process, we must also not forget that in addition to complex treatment, we must also remember about non-drug therapy methods. This includes proper nutrition and exercise. There are also physiotherapeutic procedures and prostate massages, without which the treatment cannot be considered complete.
The following recommendations must also be followed:
- Beware of hypothermia, especially in the feet, lower back, scrotum and penis.
- Avoid high temperatures as they can accelerate the spread of infections and bacteria throughout the body.
- Stop drinking and smoking.
- Maintain a proper diet. The diet must be balanced and healthy.
Contraindications to drug therapy
There are a series of contraindications to drug therapy that must be taken into account when choosing treatment and that must be informed to the doctor.
- Antibiotic intolerance.Each organism has its own characteristics, and therefore, if someone in the environment calmly tolerates a particular antibiotic, this does not mean that his body will react in the same way.
- Concomitant diseases.This includes liver and kidney disease, as well as diabetes. With these diseases, special care must be taken when choosing the appropriate medication.
- Allergic reactions.During testing, it is necessary to check whether the medicine causes an allergic reaction. If this happens, it can only worsen the patient's condition. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that an allergic reaction can occur not only to one medication, but also to different classes of substances.
- It is also important to change medications during several treatment cycles.If the medicine helped the previous time, this time it must be replaced with another, otherwise the treatment may not be effective enough.

Physiotherapy also has certain contraindications that must be followed:
- epilepsy;
- high body temperature, above 38, if accompanied by fever;
- renal insufficiency;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system;
- the presence of malignant tumors - this can lead to the accelerated growth of cancer cells, and then to a deterioration in the patient's well-being;
- anemia or tendency to bleed.
Physiotherapy can only be carried out if the disease is in a chronic stage and in the absence of purulent discharge.
With this form of prostatitis, it should not occur separately, but simultaneously with modern drug treatment.