Prostatitis is a disease that, according to statistics, affects one in ten men. The pathology is diagnosed mainly at 30-50 years of age.

Many men are embarrassed to talk about the symptoms of prostatitis to the doctor, which leads to the transition from the disease to the chronic form, complicates treatment and turns into problems in reproductive function. It is important to start therapy in the early stage of the pathological process.
About which drugs for prostatitis in men are most often prescribed and considered the most effective, moreover.
What is prostatitis
Prostatitis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the (seminal) gland of the prostate. The gland performs a number of important functions, one of which is the production of a specific ejaculate secretion that protects and nourishes sperm. The liquid contains enzymes, proteins, fats, hormones, without which the reproductive system will not be able to do its job normally.

Another important function of the prostate is to liquefy sperm, making them more mobile and more likely to reach their target.
If an inflammatory process begins in the prostate, its work is stopped. In this case, the man feels the characteristic symptoms.
Causes and signs of prostate inflammation
The main source of development of prostatitis is the penetration of the infection and stagnation in the tissues of the seminal gland. Bacteria and germs enter the prostate from:
- genitourinary organs;
- remote chronic foci of infection with blood flow (caries, sinusitis, sinusitis, flu, pneumonia, tonsillitis, furunculosis);
- nearby inflamed organs (inflamed rectum), etc.
Factors that precede the development of the disease:
- long abstinence from sexual intercourse;
- wear very tight clothes;
- alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction;
- frequent interruptions to sexual intercourse;
- defective ejaculation;
- irregular sexual life;
- hypodynamics;
- frequent constipation;
- conditions that suppress the immune system (stress, unhealthy diet, lack of sleep);
- single or permanent hypothermia;
- the presence of chronic infections (bronchitis, tonsillitis, cholecystitis);
- strong sexual excitement, after which sexual intercourse does not follow;
- postponed urological diseases (cystitis, urethritis);
- transfer of genital infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).
Hyperplasia, or prostate adenoma, with a benign course, can also cause the development of the disease. In addition, perineal trauma is a predisposing factor for the onset of prostatitis. These are often seen on motorcyclists, drivers, cyclists, etc.

It should be noted that bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed 8 times less often than non-infectious. The main reason for the latter is the stagnation of the gland. This leads to difficulty in blood circulation through small vessels, edema of the prostate tissue, increased oxidation of lipid free radicals. All of these processes create conditions for inflammation and severe pain in the perineum and genitals.
During the period of exacerbation of prostatitis in men, the following occurs:
- increased urination;
- urine can come out with blood impurities, pus, mental disorders - irritability, lack of sleep, anxiety;
- violation of the urination process - it can be difficult, painful;
- pain in the scrotum, rectum and penis;
- erectile dysfunction.
With an exacerbation, the body temperature may increase slightly.
Pharmacological groups of drugs for prostatitis
There are the following pharmacological groups of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis:
- Antibacterial drugs for prostatitis (Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin). They are prescribed to eliminate pathogenic microflora. With the help of the active substances that make up the drugs, the pathogens that triggered the infectious process are destroyed. Antibiotics are administered in the acute phase and during the period of remission of the disease.
- Alpha blockers (tamsulosin). Doctors prescribe this group of drugs when it is necessary to improve urodynamics, facilitate a patient's urine output and reduce the likelihood of the consequences of hyperplasia.
- Antispasmodics (drotaverine hydrochloride, papaverine, metamizole sodium). These drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are prescribed for pain to relax the smooth muscles of the prostate, improve blood circulation.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect (tolperisone hydrochloride, nimesulide, meloxicam, diclofenac). These drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are prescribed for pain, cramps, increased muscle tone in the perineum, problems with urination and inflammation.
- Painkillers (Sodium Metamizole, Diclofenac). Relieve pain. Prescribed in the form of pills, rectal suppositories, injections.
- Phytopreparations. The medicines contain only natural herbal ingredients. Prescribed in combination with medications. Designed to eliminate pain, inflammation, relieve mental stress. They are prescribed both in chronic form and in exacerbation (in combination with other medications).
- Hormonal drugs for prostatitis (cyproterone acetate, flutamide). Eliminate the inflammatory process, reduce the swelling of the gland, normalize the urination process.
Essential drugs for prostatitis and BPH
In the following, we will describe in more detail the drugs most frequently prescribed by doctors for prostatitis and the most effective in combating the disease.
Tamsulosin hydrochloride
Tamsulosin hydrochloride is a medication prescribed for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma). It belongs to the group of alpha blockers. Available in capsule form. The main active ingredient of the drug is tamsulosin hydrochloride. This component helps to reduce the tone of the smooth muscle of the prostate.
The drug is not used:
- in the childhood;
- with severe liver failure;
- with postural hypotension (reduced standing pressure).
The drug with uncontrolled intake and non-compliance with contraindications can lead to such undesirable effects:
- dizziness;
- rhinitis;
- rash on the skin, accompanied by itching and redness;
- asthenic syndrome;
- a marked decrease in blood pressure;
- strong heartbeat.
The frequency of application of the drug is 1 time per day. The capsule is washed down with plenty of water. The reception must be carried out in the morning before meals.
When taking the drug, especially in the early days, anyone working with complex mechanisms and driving should be careful.
Pumpkin seed oil
Herbal-based preparation. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.
The main active ingredient restores the functions of the prostate due to its anti-inflammatory effect and improving microcirculation. In addition, the substances that make up pumpkin seed oil resist the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, responsible for the growth of the prostate, improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver and purify the intestine of toxins and toxins.
The drug should be used 3 times a day, 1 capsule after ingestion. The capsules are washed down with plenty of water. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Side effects after taking the drug are rare. Basically, the reaction is seen in the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, abdominal pain, heartburn. If the medicine is taken for a long time, there may be a disturbance in the stool.
Contraindications include an ulcer in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract in an exacerbation stage, cholelithiasis.
Preparation with composition: pumpkin seed powder; goldenrod extract; aspen leaf extract; pumpkin globulin
The drug is used to treat chronic prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, accompanied by difficulty urinating.
The drug is produced in tablets, it is well tolerated by patients, as it has a herbal composition. Only occasionally do we notice allergic reactions to the constituent drugs.
The drug is taken 3 times a day, 2-4 tablets. The duration of therapy is 12 weeks.
Preparation with composition: pumpkin seed powder, selenium; zinc; citrus pectin; nettle extract, lycopene obtained from tomatoes; African palm fruit extract; African plum peel extract
The drug is a biologically active food supplement for men suffering from prostate diseases. Available in tablet form.
It is necessary to take the medicine at the same time, once a day, during a meal with water. The duration of admission is 30 days. The prostatitis medication is well tolerated by men and does not cause side effects. In isolated cases, patients experience an allergic reaction to the drug's components.
Preparation based on herbs with the composition: felt condodendron, Canadian poplar, serrata serrata
A herbal preparation prescribed for diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system in men. The tool eliminates pain, relieves inflammation, removes spasms.
The main indications for the use of the drug are:
- benign prostatic hyperplasia;
- inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
- acute and chronic urinary retention;
- enuresis, pyelonephritis;
- renal colic;
- urolithiasis disease.
A drug for prostatitis is produced in the form of drops. You need to take 5 to 15 drops at a time. The frequency of drug use is 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the pathological process, but it must be at least 6 weeks. The medicine should be taken half an hour after or before meals, slowly dissolving in the mouth.
Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the drug and children under 12 years of age. As for adverse reactions, they rarely appear and only in the form of allergies.
How to choose a medicine
The choice of drugs for prostatitis is necessary depending on the form of the disease. With an exacerbation, antibiotics are prescribed first. The sooner you start taking antibacterial agents, the quicker the symptoms will disappear and the less likely it is that complications and the disease will transition to the chronic stage.
If the disease is accompanied by pain in the genitourinary system, mental disorders in the form of irritability, anxiety, insomnia, sexual dysfunction. In that case, you should take medications that improve blood circulation, eliminate pain, inflammation and mental problems. For these purposes, the following are appointed:
- painkillers;
- antispasmodics;
- Ines;
- antibacterial drugs (with frequent exacerbations);
- immunomodulators;
- herbal sedatives.
In any case, only a doctor can prescribe prostatitis medications after an exam. Self-treatment can lead to serious consequences, one of which is infertility.