The most common ailment which occurs in men over the age of 30 years, is considered prostatitis. This disease can cause severe pain to the man, accompanied by disruption of the normal process of urination and, in severe forms, causes and occurrence of erectile dysfunction and serious major concern in relations with a partner.
To avoid such undesirable consequences, and is recommended at first appearance of symptoms to visit a specialist immediately to begin treatment of prostatitis.
Practicing the most effective ways to treat the disease, Yes, including: the use of antibiotics, treatment of prostatitis herbs, conducting therapeutic exercises, performing rectal massage, tonirovanie and implementation of appropriate preventive measures.
To get the maximum results of the treatment allows the new method – the impact of shock waves (AME).
In this article we will tell you in detail about the existing methods of struggle with prostatitis, as you become familiar with its forms, characteristics and causes. I hope that the following information will help you make the right conclusions regarding the prevention and fight against this disease.
What is prostatitis?
Prostatitis is a disease that occurs in males and is characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland, located under the bladder.
A characteristic symptom of this disease is considered a pain syndrome that originates in the perineum, back or abdomen. At the same time disturbed the urinary process, and during ejaculation the phenomena is pain.
In addition, the disease may be accompanied by phenomena phenomenon vesiculitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia or inflammation of the urethra.
So the number of factors that cause this pathology are: the violation of hormonal processes in the body, hypothermia, bacterial infection, dysfunction of the circulatory system in the pelvic area, injury, irregular sex life.
The risk group most likely to be men, Yes 50 years.
Types and forms of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis used is chosen ad forms of the disease. For example, a bacterial form of the disease can be both chronic and acute. For non-bacterial inflammation of the prostate is characterized by a chronic course. In patients with this pathology meet all the symptoms, except the presence of bacteria in secret.
In the acute form of infectious prostatitis observed rapid increase of pain on the background of General intoxication. Chronic prostatitis have less pronounced symptoms and treatment in this case is somewhat different.
And if in acute disease complete recovery of the patient after treatment of chronic prostatitis can happen recurrence. We should remember that during treatment activities at home.
It is worth noting that the disease is non-infectious in nature often occurs in men aged 35-45 years, and can manifest itself in the urine leaking into the prostate.
If a man is diagnosed with acute prostatitis, treatment should be accompanied by taking antibiotics. In chronic non-communicable form of the disease the use of antibiotics may not produce the desired result.
Causes of prostatitis
As mentioned earlier, the list of reasons that provoke the inflammation of the prostate gland can be quite varied. However, the most common prostatitis is diagnosed in men who lead an irregular sex life and are exposed to thermal factors. Also pathology can occur due to injury to the genital organs, weakening the immune defense of the body, the blood circulation in the pelvic area and due to hormonal changes.
Another important reason, provokes prostate disease, the phenomenon is an infestation of infection during unprotected sexual intercourse. In some cases, the symptoms of the disease occur in people with malignant tumors or urolithiasis.
In 80% of cases of the phenomenon of the emergence of bacterial form of the disease associated with the presence of E. coli and other infections. In addition, the occurrence of stagnant processes may be associated with insufficient blood flow in tissues of the prostate, due to the prevalence of fractional vessels in this area.
Early signs and symptoms of prostatitis in men

In the acute stage of prostatitis, the patient noted a sharp increase in temperature of the whole, the phenomenon of the appearance of pain in the lumbar, pain and tremors in the joints and muscles. Also many men there is an increase in size of the prostate and discomfort in the area of the perineum. Frequent urination and cloudy urine are also and number of disturbing factors.
Gradually the intensity of the pain increases, which is most often seen during pressure on the prostate gland. With the development of the disease and the above symptoms is added pain in the region of the penis and into the lower back. In some situations, can phenomena are discomfort in other areas, and a burning sensation during urinary process.
In the acute stage of the disease is accompanied by General intoxication syndrome. The clock, on the background of local inflammatory processes may develop purulent-septic disease that affects the blood. In this situation, the man must be immediately hospitalized: treatment of prostatitis with sepsis should be carried out exclusively in the clinic.
With chronic prostatitis of bacterial nature often no symptoms, and the need for treatment arises only when the identification of the infection in the urinary system, which is manifested on the background of complications of the disease. You experience painful sensations during ejaculation, the phenomenon of the appearance of blood in the ejaculate, the presence of discharge from the urethra. Also, due to the above symptoms, men can develop erectile dysfunction.
Diagnosis — how to define prostatitis?

Comprehensive diagnosis of this disease is considered collateral accurate diagnosis. The prerequisite of phenomena is the examination of the patient and collection history. To identify swelling and pain in the region of the prostate, the doctor performs palpation of the walls of the rectum.
Based on these results he concludes the need for urine culture to identify the exact cause of infection. To obtain the most accurate results and compares three of the test sample: urine collected at the beginning of the urethra process; its middle part; discharge, collected during massage of the prostate after completion of the process of urination. Treatment of prostatitis in men is considered necessary upon detection of a large number of bacteria.
To avoid errors in the diagnosis of this pathology, it is necessary to confirm the fact of absence at the patient of such diseases, as appendicitis, cancer of the prostate, inflammation in the bladder and kidney, prostate adenoma and uncontrollable urine leakage.
Also the patient is advised to take a blood test, an MRI (or CT) and ultrasound of the prostate and nearby organs.
The possible intimacy for prostatitis?
To give hell sex is recommended only if the disease was caused by sexually transmitted infection, since there is the possibility of infection of the partner.
If may place the chronic form of the disease, intimacy is acceptable and even useful since it is possible to minimize stagnant processes in the pelvic area.
However, chronic prostatitis in men might need to have seriously significant treatment, often accompanied by premature ejaculation and the inability full sexual intercourse. In this situation, experts suggest woman to be understanding by the partner and provide the necessary moral support during the passage to them of medical procedures. This will help to avoid many problems in personal relationships in the future.
Treatment of prostatitis: effective methods
Taking the above into consideration, you can specify the following therapeutic measures that allow you to get maximum health benefits:
- Elimination of signs of an infectious disease through the use of special antibacterial drugs;
- The increased lymph flow by local methods. This allows you to get the hell of the damaged cells that are present in the region of the urethra and prostate. In pile turn, removing "toxins" from the tissues creates fertile ground for restoration of functional abilities of the affected organ;
- The increased lymph flow in the pelvic area. This prevents the phenomena of the appearance of stagnant processes in the future;
- Improving vascular tone that contributes to a more rapid diversion of venous blood from the pelvic organs.
In the following paragraph we will look at traditional and latest methods of treatment of prostatitis, which allow to implement the above principles.
Effective drugs for treatment of prostatitis
Distances we'll talk AB the treatment of prostatitis and consider the most effective drugs, which are used for this purpose. So, these include:
- Antibacterial drugs. As a rule, reception of such medicines starts "blindly", because of the long timing and interpretation of tests – more than 7 Zen. In the early stages, the patient is advised to take antibacterial agents that can affect the most common infectious agents. After receiving the results of tests, drugs for treatment of prostatitis and BPH can be selected individually;
- Drugs that allow you to quickly stop pain and reduce the temperature of the whole. Significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease;
- Alpha-blockers and means the same. Allow to normalize muscle tone, eliminate swelling of the prostate and restore the urinary process;
- The use of saline solution, which direction to cleansing the body, the hell of poisonous substances (toxins).
It should be noted that when the use of antibiotics in prostatitis in men , and is chosen for special treatment, this allows you to quickly improve the condition of the patient. Hello, if the lymph does not occur a full cleansing tissue hell of toxic substances in the pelvic area that can cause the likelihood of chronic diseases.
If may place chronic prostatitis in men assigned to treatment, which includes use of the following drugs:
- Despite the absence of infection, also used antibacterial actions. In some cases the study does not diagnose the existence of bacteria, so it is recommended to take measures to prevent them phenomena, the emergence and spread;
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have bright apparent ability to stop pain, eliminate inflammation and reduce fever a whole. However, in case of their prolonged use, patients may experience serious etnia failures in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and body systems;
- Alpha-adrenergic blockers. Allow to normalize urinary processes. The necessary health result, one can obtain while using these drugs within six months.
Treatment of prostatitis prostate massage

If men are diagnosed prostatitis, the treatment involves not only reception of tablets, but also the implementation of a special rectal massage. This procedure is carried out with the help of the finger through the rectum. Some sympathetic relatives practice the treatment of prostate massage at home. Experts do not recommend to do so, because to achieve the desired effect it is necessary to clearly observe the sequence and direction of massage movements. It says AB the feasibility of implementing such procedures only by the urologist of the highest class.
In addition, treatment of prostatitis massage is not desirable to practice in acute forms of the disease that can cause the rapid spread of infectious process, cause and phenomena of the appearance of various formations in the region of the prostate and rectum, cause urinary retention and cause the development of other threat processes in the urogenital system.
Thus, treatment of prostatitis massage is performed only in the presence of the disease in the chronic stage. Using the above method can significantly improve the condition of the prostate, namely, to cope with stagnant ate Avam in this area and to produce cleansing "excretory ducts".
An alternative way for those interested in the treatment of prostatitis in the home, may be tonirovanie, in which the affected area is exposed to sound vibrations.
Yes, among the important benefits of vibroacoustic exposure include:
- No need to use a rectal massage, since the depth of penetration of the sound vibrations can reach 10 cm;
- The ability of treatment of a prostatitis at men in this way at home;
- The possibility of impact on the whole area of the pelvis, including the venous and lymphatic vessels;
- Improving absorbability of drugs.
Learn more about the use of the device for treatment of prostatitis , we will discuss below.
The appropriateness of physical therapy

The need for physical therapy with the presence of the above diseases are primarily due to the desire to improve venous and lymphatic movement of fluids. An important process phenomenon is the creation of muscle tension, namely, biological microvibrations. This suggests that a comprehensive treatment of prostatitis is impossible without physical therapy.
To implement this goal are special gymnastic exercises, which strengthen pelvic floor muscles, restore blood circulation in this area and to minimize stagnant processes. Also the patient is advised to take daily walks, swimming and walking.
The most effective and easy exercises are the following:
- Simulation of torsion of Bicycle pedals. Performed daily, in the lying position;
- Mixing and dilution of the legs similar to the operation of the scissors;
- Alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles (they should be kept in a state of tension not less than 5 seconds);
- Using the elliptical trainer;
- Use compound exercises Arnold Kegel, etc.
For best effect, which helps ease urinary process, the above exercises should be performed regularly. Also, in order for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis is recommended to use special pads training for chairs. Antigipoksicheskoe such devices play an indispensable role for men who spend long time in a sitting position. With their help it is possible to avoid excessive strain on the back muscles and eliminate the phenomenon of the appearance of stagnant processes in the pelvis.
Physical therapy for prostatitis

As mentioned earlier, the basis of the procedure of tonirovania on the impact on the affected area for sound vibrations, which are considered to be identical to the muscle vibrations of the person that accompany the process of physical stress.
It uses a special apparatus for treatment of prostatitis, which has a positive impact on the following areas:
- Inguinal lymph nodes. Helps to improve lymph flow. Removes from the tissues of toxins and damaged cells, thereby eliminating the inflammatory process in this area. This effect cannot be achieved in the presence of prostatitis in men and its treatment with medicines;
- The division of kidney, which is responsible for the balance of electrolytes in the blood. In case recovery fails to improve the ability of the muscles and contraction. In addition, it contributes to the normalization of venous tone and restores the state of the excretory ducts of the prostate;
- The bladder and perineum. It improves blood flow to this area. In addition, when vibroacoustic therapy in this area, significantly increases the effectiveness of the use of medicines;
- The lumbosacral spine. Allows you to improve innervation.
An important aspect of the phenomenon is the lack of unwanted effects after the procedure, and the ability to maintain long-term results.
Yes, the positive effects of tonirovania also include:
- The decrease in the intensity of pain or its complete elimination;
- The restoration of normal urination;
- The normalization of erectile function;
- Increasing libido;
- Increase the duration of intercourse;
- Strengthening the impact of the use of medicines.
Shock wave therapy for prostatitis: a modern method of treatment of prostatitis
Originally specified the app was used to break kidney stones. Today this method is carried out treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of male genital sphere.
The popularity of the prostatitis treatment using acoustic waves due to the positive effects:
- The ability to restore metabolism at the local level;
- Rapid elimination of stagnant ate phenomena;
- Effective combat inflammation;
- The possibility of salt grinding of stones;
- Elimination of pain during urination.
In addition, the device of the UFT in the treatment of prostatitis is aimed at relieve swelling in the region of the prostate and improving the condition of the urinary system. According to patients who had to experience the effects of the device for treatment of prostatitis, to relieve pain fails after a few treatments VVT. While there is a noticeable improvement of a potentiality.
Another important feature of shock wave therapy phenomenon is the possibility of increasing blood supply to the prostate that it has positive effects on erectile function in men.
At the same time to obtain the necessary healing effect is obtained due to the significant penetration depth of acoustic waves into the affected tissue – Yes 130 mm.
However, if you may place the prostatitis, and is diagnosed by its symptoms, and the patient requires immediate treatment at home the IWT procedure is not carried out. Usually, it is performed in a clinical setting, with a frequency of one session per week, for 30 Zen.
Note that after the first sessions of shock wave therapy may exacerbate inflammatory processes, which takes place already after 2-3 treatments. As practice shows, improve the patient's condition and the disappearance of seals in the area of the prostate gland is observed in 3-4 manipulations. This indicates the higher effectiveness of this methodology.
The only drawback in the treatment of prostatitis shock waves phenomenon is the cost.
Prevention: how to avoid prostatitis?

To achieve the desired result, hell preventive measures the patient should first have to follow the rules of intimate care. It is also not recommended to be subjected to prolonged hypothermia. An important point phenomenon is maintaining a healthy diet. It is reasonable to refuse Ada, foods that cause constipation, because it might hamper the blood circulation in the pelvic area.
It is equally important to maintain regular and complete process of urination. It is also desirable to have regular intimate contact with a permanent partner, to avoid stagnant processes and Contracting sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, experts recommend doing dynamic warm-up and exercise.
The annual visit to the urologist phenomenon is an integral part of life of men over the age of 30 years. The denial of hell alcoholic beverages and Smoking of tobacco products is also among the effective measures for the prevention of prostatitis.