author Barbara Fackler-Pichler

Barbara Fackler-Pichler


  • Calculus prostatitis is a complicated form of prostate inflammation. It is accompanied by the formation of stones in the gland and requires serious treatment. The causes of the development, symptoms and methods of treatment of the disease are described in the article.
    18 March 2022
  • What is prostatitis, general information about the disease. Factors and causes that affect the development of the disease. Signs and symptoms of prostatitis. How is the disease treated?
    8 August 2021
  • Chronic prostatitis - what is it? All about the disease: causes, symptoms, types and treatment options for the disease!
    28 May 2021
  • Devices for the treatment of prostatitis at home: types and principles of action, characteristics of choice and rules of use of the devices.
    14 January 2021